Best Auto Insurance In Louisiana
It is possible to get cheap Louisiana car insurance because the minimum requirements for car insurance coverage in this state are not that much. For example, in case of physical injury or death of a person in an accident the least coverage amount necessary is 15 thousand dollars. In case 2 people are injured or pass away in an accident then the costs go up to 30 thousand dollars considering the coverage rate of 15 thousand for each individual. In a case a person brings harm to another person’s property in an accident the minimum coverage needed in that case is 25 thousand dollars.
As per laws in Louisiana car owners have to provide proof of car insurance in case they are asked by a law enforcement official. This is also applicable when they are registering a new car or when they are renewing their driver’s license. In order to make sure that drivers are in accordance with requirements of Financial Responsibility the laws in Louisiana state that insurance providers should provide timely reports to the Department of Public Safety and Corrections of the Office of Motor Vehicles. This has to be done whenever a liability insurance policy is taken, renewed or ended.
This procedure also needs to be followed when the status of a policy is changed from being a binder policy to an active one. In case the car owner does not have a justifiable amount of insurance then his or her car plates can be taken away and the vehicle can be impounded. In case a person has had a gap in his or her insurance policy then a fine will be in order. In such cases the insured will have to pay 50 dollars for 11 to 30 days, 125 dollars for 31 to 90 days and 225 dollars in case it is 91 days or more.
They shall also need to provide an SR-22, which is a Certificate of Financial Responsibility if they are caught driving under the influence or if they fail to submit to a chemical test. For more information on cheap auto insurance in Louisiana or cheapest car insurance in Louisiana please look up